Hollie as a Dalmation- come- Zombie- Witch? Lol!

Ryan as Denis The Menace/Zombie

Grandma finished off these lanterns hence the wobbly teeth or gaps in their mouths. Lol!

Some are from our recent snowfall ,which as you can see can hamper us from getting out in the car, or on foot for that matter.
These have all been sitting in my camera as I could not find the lead which links it to the computer until yesterday. As I said then, in yesterday's entry, I found it in the suitcase which I had taken up to the Borders with me.
I spent Halloween up there with my daughter and grandchildren as they needed looking after whilst she was at University.
I spent Halloween up there with my daughter and grandchildren as they needed looking after whilst she was at University.
This is the waterfall which Bryan built during the summer. It's beginning to take shape. Once the plants grow it will look more natural. Mind you..I had to give up my footpath for this but it was worth it. I walked up it safely enough to view it from the top but I fell on my way down as the cobbles shifted underneath my feet. I was lucky not to break my wrist but 'all's well that ends well'.
The pastoral view photograph is me wending my way up to the farmhouse where my friend's daughter lives.
I found it dfficult last week to negotiate this road as it was still thick with ice. I had my heart in my mouth a few times I can tell you.
I miss AOL Albums as we were able to download all the photos we wanted to.
Here on Blogger they have to be embedded which is much slower.
Never mind though...eh?I hope these images appear ok. I have had a devil of a time trying to edit some of the Html which couldn't be accepted. Haven's knows what that is until I post it properly.
Toodle pip for now!
Wonderful job with the pix they came out great! And look at that snow, our little bit has already melted lol.
Oh Jeanne ,I did enjoy your pictures ,''my what alot you got''! snow I mean , now that is proper snow with a proper snowman ,and the pictures of the children in their halloween costumes were great as were the pupkins and skeletons ,Bryan has made a brilliant job of the waterfall ,roll on Summer ..love Jan xx
Love the 'snowy' pictures, and I too couldn't venture out on that hill.Would love a water feature, never mind a waterfall :>) No room I'm afraid....
Thanks for your recent visit!
Goodness Jeanie, You sure had it bad up there.. As you say your road would not be very good in that kind of weather....an understatment I would say !!! You were brave to try to get up to the farm..or mad...take your choice !!
Like the look of Bryans waterfall, will have to inspect it next time we are up !!
Love for now Sybil xx
The photo's are great but be careful, and the snowman was cute.
Jeanie what lovely pictures. Your road looks so scenic and festive! I did enjoy my visit today :-)
Love Sal xx
Jeanie, Thank-you so much for stopping by to say hello. Your music just soothed me and I think I will head to bed.
Yes, we have lots of snow as well and very cold. Today it warmed up to -17C
I only went out across the street to play the piano for the old folks home while they had their Christmas party with family.
Blessings dear one and have a great Christmas with family and friends
Love Alberta LORI
Loved all the pictures Jeanne, especially the snow ones and your grandkids of course! My but they look so much like you, especially Ryan! I just upload my pictures onto Photo bucket and then put them in from there, easy peasy, lemon squeasy!
That is the snowiest photo I have seen yet this season. No wonder the people who had never seen snow were so excited! I enjoyed the photos so much. It was nice getting a visit from you, but we must all watch ourselves not to overdo. I felt bad to think Jeannette has been ordered by her doctor to spend much less time on the computer for the sake of her health, but sometimes it is necessary to think health first! But she plans to make an entry atleast twice a week, and may have to cut back considerably on her rounds. I mised you, but I want you to put health first. So you will be around longer! Gerry
Lovely pictures what an amount of snow there is no way I wold try to negotiate that hill in the snow. I don't usually have the sound up on the pc but today it was on what lovely music you are playing it is so soothing. Love Joan.
Love the snow pics.....is that amount of snow unusual for where you live. In Western PA we ususally get about 50 inches per year. The childrens pictures wer great..
Photo's are lovely but far too much snow for my liking. I have a camera but never think about taking photos, i tend to pinch them off the net from other members of family.
Jenny <><
great pictures.. thanks for sharing... now that snow looks marvelous for Dec but I'd not want to drive on the road!
I have tried but cant get your latest posting Jeanne ...love Jan xx
Your "Happy Christmas" entry wouldnt load so I wish you SWEET SATURNALIA AND WARMEST WINTER SOLSTICE!
As always I enjoyed your photos. I can see you have been having your share of snow!! I can only imagine how hard it is to get up, or come to a stop going down...that hill. A white knuckle ride for certain. The kids are adorable in their costumes. I love the waterfall ~ I would love to having something like that.
Be careful getting around in the ice & snow.
Wow, lots more then your snow last year wasn't it. I love the snowman. Our snow has been that fine stuff you can't mold. Be careful being out and about. Your grandchildren are adorable.
I left a comment when this first was posted and I see it didn't take. Off into cyperspace I guess, LOL. LOved Loved the calendar. Thank you my dear friend.
Loved all the photos, thank you for sharing. It seems as if everyone in the world gets snow - except us!
How awesome! Thanks for sharing!
Wishing you "A Merry X'Mas and A Happy New Year''
Hello jeanie. I loved all the pics. i hope you have a fabulous Christmas and new Year. Love Pam xx
love the snow pics, the back yard looks so pretty covered in snow. the kids are adorable in their costumes. Hope you have a wonderful new year. (((((hugs)))
Cindy xoxo
I hope you had a nice Christmas Jeanie. Every happiness to you and Bryan for 2009.
Love Sal
The kids look great fro Halloween. I enjoyed the snow images too. It's now snowing here. Maybe I get out today & get some shots~
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