A wonderful sunny day full of birdsong and contentment as we sat out on the patio.
Sharing some photos of my grandchildren. Martin, my son, is learning to play the saxophone and Ben is learning to play the piano.
Amy ..believe it or not could get a sound out of Martin’s saxophone; unlike Grandma who nearly burst a blood vessel trying!
Ben showing off his piano playing. He’s very good!
Amy, Matthew and Martin. Matthew wants to play the Bongo drums. He has yet to have them. Maybe if he says he will practice in the wooden Wendy House at the bottom of the garden he might be able to?Time will tell….. lol
We had a great weekend recently with my son’s little family. We managed to fit in a church visit as well as ten pin bowling over the weekend. The church was choc-a-bloc as there was a christening for a family with their three children. A lovely celebration was had by all.
The weekend was sunny too..at long last! The children got a chance to play in the garden. I wish it had been longer but I hope to go back down there soon. Amy has to perform in a dance at a theatre hired by her ballet school. I can’t wait to see her and her little friends perform. She has three costume changes. Tap, ballet and modern. Bless!
Hope you enjoy the photos. xx